It's not a no-op to unmask an interruptible operation (and dejafu detects this)

User effectfully on reddit wrote an article It’s not a no-op to unmask an interruptible operation (reddit discussion) about a small gotcha with interruptible operations and asynchronous exceptions.

The gist of it is that this snippet of code:

mask $ \restore -> do
  putMVar var x

behaves differently to this snippet of code:

mask $ \restore -> do
  restore $ putMVar var x

in the presence of asynchronous exceptions. The post goes on to explain what the different behaviours are and why they crop up; but thinking about concurrency is too much like effort, let’s turn to dejafu!

No restore around the put

In this test case, I want to see

  1. if the putMVar var x is interrupted by an asynchronous exception; and
  2. if the ... bit of code gets executed

So the actual test case is a bit more complex than just the snippet above. We’re going to need three threads:

thread1 = mask $ \restore -> catch
  (putMVar var "hello world" >> putMVar success True)
  (\(_ :: SomeException) -> putMVar success False)

thread2 = putMVar var "interrupted!"

thread3 = killThread thread1

Putting it together into an actual test case, we get:

import Control.Concurrent.Classy
import Control.Exception (SomeException)

example1 :: MonadConc m => m (String, Bool)
example1 = do
  var <- newEmptyMVar
  success <- newEmptyMVar
  interruptMe <- newEmptyMVar

  tid <- fork $ mask $ \_ -> do
    putMVar interruptMe ()
      (putMVar var "hello world" >> putMVar success True)
      (\(_ :: SomeException) -> putMVar success False)

  -- wait for the thread to be inside the `mask`, then fork a thread
  -- to race on the `putMVar` and also throw an async exception.
  takeMVar interruptMe
  _ <- fork $ putMVar var "interrupted!"
  killThread tid

  (,) <$> readMVar var <*> readMVar success

There’s a little extra ceremony involved in making sure that the race happens after the mask—we need a new interruptMe MVar—but other than that it’s fairly straightforward.

dejafu finds two behaviours for this example, and gives abbreviated execution traces:

> autocheck example1
[pass] Successful
[fail] Deterministic
    ("hello world",True) S0-----S1--------S0------

    ("interrupted!",False) S0-----S1---P0---S2--S1-S0---S1---S0--

Do restore around the put

Here’s our new test case:

import Control.Concurrent.Classy
import Control.Exception (SomeException)

example2 :: MonadConc m => m (String, Bool)
example2 = do
  interruptMe <- newEmptyMVar
  var <- newEmptyMVar
  success <- newEmptyMVar

  tid <- fork $ mask $ \restore -> do
    putMVar interruptMe ()
      (restore (putMVar var "hello world") >> putMVar success True)
      (\(_ :: SomeException) -> putMVar success False)

  -- wait for the thread to be inside the `mask`, then fork a thread
  -- to race on the `putMVar` and also throw an async exception.
  takeMVar interruptMe
  _ <- fork $ putMVar var "interrupted!"
  killThread tid

  (,) <$> readMVar var <*> readMVar success

Lo and behold, dejafu finds a third behaviour:

> autocheck example2
[pass] Successful
[fail] Deterministic
    ("hello world",True) S0-----S1-----------S0------

    ("hello world",False) S0-----S1-----P0-----S1---S0--

    ("interrupted!",False) S0-----S1----P0----S1---S2--S0---

So it seems that we can now end up in the situation where the putMVar var "hello world" does happen, but after writing to the MVar the asynchronous exception is delivered and so we hit the putMVar success False case.

Weird, right?

What’s the difference?

We can get the actual execution trace for the new case with a lower-level function in dejafu, runSCT. Digging through it, we can find the pre-emption of thread 1 (the first thread forked) by thread 0 (the main thread):

(SwitchTo main, [(1, WillResetMasking True MaskedInterruptible)], TakeMVar 1 [])

This says that we switched to the main thread, and it performed a takeMVar operation. And furthermore, that thread 1 will next reset the masking state back to MaskedInterruptible.

Now the issue becomes clear. The problematic snippet:

mask $ \restore -> do
  restore $ putMVar var x

Actually means to perform these steps:

  1. Change the masking state to MaskedInterruptible
  2. Change the masking state to Unmasked
  3. Do putMVar var x
  4. Reset the masking state back to MaskedInterruptible
  5. Do ...

The issue is that completing the putMVar var x call and resetting the masking state are two operations. That’s not atomic. So there is a chance that an exception can be delivered between them.

And that’s the issue explained in It’s not a no-op to unmask an interruptible operation, replicated with dejafu.