Using GADTs for alternative datatype representations

The generalised algebraic data types (GADTs) GHC extension is really powerful, and let’s you write some neat code. This memo is a Literate Haskell file showing how you can use GADTs to write an interface for sets which works for types which only have an Eq instance, but which enables faster implementations of methods if you have an Ord instance around. It’s not complely transparent—functions which construct an entirely new set will have Eq and Ord variants—but it’s better than duplicating every single function.

The FlexiSet type

I’m going to call my set type FlexiSet, because it’s a flexible set1.

A FlexiSet is either a list of values of a type which has an Eq instance, or a set (from our old friend Data.Set) of values of a type which has an Ord instance:


import Prelude hiding (filter, null)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- | A flexible set: elements will have at least an 'Eq' instance,
-- maybe also an 'Ord' instance.
data FlexiSet a where
  EqSet  :: Eq  a => [a]     -> FlexiSet a
  OrdSet :: Ord a => S.Set a -> FlexiSet a

-- | Get the values from a 'FlexiSet'.  The order of the resultant
-- list is arbitrary.
toList :: FlexiSet a -> [a]
toList (EqSet  as) = as
toList (OrdSet as) = S.toList as

The Eq and Ord constraints don’t leak outside the type, they’re entirely contained. When an EqSet or OrdSet value is constructed, the constraint dictionary is captured as well. So pattern matching on a FlexiSet will bring the instance into scope, without needing to include the constraint in the function signature. Great! Leaky constraints are the main reason why people don’t like type-constrained data declarations.

We do need Eq-aware and Ord-aware functions to construct a FlexiSet:

-- | Construct a 'FlexiSet' for a type @a@ which has an 'Eq'
-- instance.
-- If @a@ has an 'Ord' instance, use 'makeOrdSet' instead.
makeEqSet :: Eq a => [a] -> FlexiSet a
makeEqSet = EqSet . L.nub

-- | Construct a 'FlexiSet' for a type @a@ which has an 'Ord'
-- instance.
makeOrdSet :: Ord a => [a] -> FlexiSet a
makeOrdSet = OrdSet . S.fromList

Sadly we also need specific functions for mapping, as we need to constrain the result type of the map function. This also means we can’t give FlexiSet a Functor instance (just like Set can’t have one):

-- | Map a function over a 'FlexiSet'.
-- If the result type has an 'Ord' instance, use 'mapOrd' instead.
-- This is @O(n)@.
mapEq :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet b
mapEq f = EqSet . L.nub . map f . toList

-- | Map a function over a 'FlexiSet'.
-- This is @O(n)@.
mapOrd :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet b
mapOrd f = OrdSet . S.fromList . map f . toList

But we don’t need to know anything about constraints for filtering!2 This is because we’re not changing the type of value in the FlexiSet, and by pattern matching on it we bring the instance into scope:

-- | Remove values from a 'FlexiSet' which fail to satisfy the given
-- predicate.
-- This is @O(n)@.
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a
filter f (EqSet  as) = EqSet  (L.filter f as)
filter f (OrdSet as) = OrdSet (S.filter f as)

Here are a few more functions which do something with a single FlexiSet. Note how the OrdSet ones can use the more efficient Data.Set operations, but the EqSet ones are stuck with slow linear-time list functions:

-- | Insert a value into a 'FlexiSet' if it's not already present.
-- This is @O(n)@ for 'Eq'-based sets and @O(log n)@ for 'Ord'-based
-- sets.
insert :: a -> FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a
insert a (EqSet  as) = EqSet  (L.nub (a:as))
insert a (OrdSet as) = OrdSet (S.insert a as)

-- | Remove a value from a 'FlexiSet' if it's present
-- This is @O(n)@ for 'Eq'-based sets and @O(log n)@ for 'Ord'-based
-- sets.
delete :: a -> FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a
delete a (EqSet  as) = EqSet  (L.filter (/=a) as)
delete a (OrdSet as) = OrdSet (S.delete a as)

-- | Check if a value is present in a 'FlexiSet'.
-- This is @O(n)@ for 'Eq'-based sets and @O(log n)@ for 'Ord'-based
-- sets.
member :: a -> FlexiSet a -> Bool
member a (EqSet  as) = any (==a) as
member a (OrdSet as) = S.member a as

Sometimes it doesn’t matter whether we have an EqSet or an OrdSet:

-- | Check if a 'FlexiSet' is empty.
-- This is @O(1)@.
null :: FlexiSet a -> Bool
null (EqSet  as) = L.null as
null (OrdSet as) = S.null as

Sometimes it matters a lot:

-- | Get the number of elements in a 'FlexiSet'.
-- This is @O(n)@ for 'Eq'-based sets and @O(1)@ for 'Ord'-based
-- sets.
size :: FlexiSet a -> Int
size (EqSet  as) = length as
size (OrdSet as) = S.size as

We could improve this case by changing our EqSet representation to also track the length.

Functions which combine two FlexiSet values of the same type are interesting, as we get to “upgrade” from an EqSet to an OrdSet in some cases:

-- | Take the union of two 'FlexiSet' values.
-- This is @O(n)@ if both or either of the sets are 'Eq'-based and
-- @O(m*log(n/m + 1)), m <= n@ if both are 'Ord'-based.
-- If one set is 'Eq'-based and one is 'Ord'-based, the result will
-- be 'Ord'-based.
union :: FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a
union (EqSet  as) (EqSet  bs) = EqSet  (L.nub (as ++ bs))
union (EqSet  as) (OrdSet bs) = OrdSet (S.union (S.fromList as) bs)
union (OrdSet as) (EqSet  bs) = OrdSet (S.union as (S.fromList bs))
union (OrdSet as) (OrdSet bs) = OrdSet (S.union as bs)

-- | Take the intersection of two 'FlexiSet' values.
-- This is @O(n)@ if both or either of the sets are 'Eq'-based and
-- @O(m*log(n/m + 1)), m <= n@ if both are 'Ord'-based.
-- If one set is 'Eq'-based and one is 'Ord'-based, the result will
-- be 'Ord'-based.
intersection :: FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a
intersection (EqSet  as) (EqSet  bs) = EqSet  (L.filter (`elem` bs) as)
intersection (EqSet  as) (OrdSet bs) = OrdSet (S.intersection (S.fromList as) bs)
intersection (OrdSet as) (EqSet  bs) = OrdSet (S.intersection as (S.fromList bs))
intersection (OrdSet as) (OrdSet bs) = OrdSet (S.intersection as bs)

-- | Take the intersection of two 'FlexiSet' values.
-- This is @O(n)@ if both or either of the sets are 'Eq'-based and
-- @O(m*log(n/m + 1)), m <= n@ if both are 'Ord'-based.
-- If one set is 'Eq'-based and one is 'Ord'-based, the result will
-- be 'Ord'-based.
difference :: FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet a
difference (EqSet  as) (EqSet  bs) = EqSet  (L.filter (`notElem` bs) as)
difference (EqSet  as) (OrdSet bs) = OrdSet (S.difference (S.fromList as) bs)
difference (OrdSet as) (EqSet  bs) = OrdSet (S.difference as (S.fromList bs))
difference (OrdSet as) (OrdSet bs) = OrdSet (S.difference as bs)

But when we combine sets of different types, we have to “downgrade” from an OrdSet to an EqSet:

-- | Take the disjoint union of two 'FlexiSet' values.
-- This is @O(n)@ if both or either of the sets are 'Eq'-based and
-- @O(m*log(n/m + 1)), m <= n@ if both are 'Ord'-based.
-- If one set is 'Eq'-based and one is 'Ord'-based, the result will
-- be 'Eq'-based.
disjointUnion :: FlexiSet a -> FlexiSet b -> FlexiSet (Either a b)
disjointUnion (EqSet  as) (EqSet  bs) = EqSet  (map Left as ++ map Right bs)
disjointUnion (EqSet  as) (OrdSet bs) = EqSet  (map Left as ++ map Right (S.toList bs))
disjointUnion (OrdSet as) (EqSet  bs) = EqSet  (map Left (S.toList as) ++ map Right bs)
disjointUnion (OrdSet as) (OrdSet bs) = OrdSet (S.disjointUnion as bs)

Wrap up

GADTs are a neat generalisation of regular Haskell data types which allow you to do all sorts of cool things.

For example, in dejafu, my concurrency testing library, I’m using GADTs to:

  • …unify a few different variations on the same type behind a common interface (source):

    -- | A representation of a concurrent program for testing.
    -- To construct these, use the 'C.MonadConc' instance, or see
    -- 'Test.DejaFu.Conc.withSetup', 'Test.DejaFu.Conc.withTeardown', and
    -- 'Test.DejaFu.Conc.withSetupAndTeardown'.
    -- @since
    data Program pty n a where
      ModelConc ::
        { runModelConc :: (a -> Action n) -> Action n
        } -> Program Basic n a
      WithSetup ::
        { wsSetup   :: ModelConc n x
        , wsProgram :: x -> ModelConc n a
        } -> Program (WithSetup x) n a
      WithSetupAndTeardown ::
        { wstSetup    :: ModelConc n x
        , wstProgram  :: x -> ModelConc n y
        , wstTeardown :: x -> Either Condition y -> ModelConc n a
        } -> Program (WithSetupAndTeardown x y) n a
  • …hide a type variable which doesn’t need to be exposed (source):

    -- | A buffered write is a reference to the variable, and the value to
    -- write. Universally quantified over the value type so that the only
    -- thing which can be done with it is to write it to the reference.
    data BufferedWrite n where
      BufferedWrite :: ThreadId -> ModelIORef n a -> a -> BufferedWrite n
  • …in a few places (source):

    -- | How to explore the possible executions of a concurrent program.
    -- @since
    data Way where
      Systematic :: Bounds -> Way
      Randomly   :: RandomGen g => (g -> (Int, g)) -> g -> Int -> Way

In all these cases GADTs let me be more specific about what type information leaks out of a constructor, meaning I can have types which more precisely convey my intent, and not just types which are full of implementation details.

  1. I am good at naming things.↩︎

  2. As an aside, I really like Ruby’s select / reject names for filter and \f -> filter (not . f). I often misremember whether filter keeps things satisfying the predicate, or rejects things satisfying the predicate.↩︎